Exploring Filey's Past :: Crimlisk Fisher Archive

Contact the Archive

The Crimlisk Fisher Archive is supported by Filey Town Council and are based within the Council buildings at 52a Queen Street.

Filey Town Council Offices

The archive is open to members of the public every Wednesday and Friday morning from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. Other times are possible via pre-arranged appointment. If travelling from any distance it is recommended to telephone first to confirm access is available. It is now possible to browse the digital photographic archive using a touch screen PC and in most cases, prints can be purchased.

You can contact the archive supervisor, Brian Mulrine by:

EMAIL: crimliskfisherarchive@gmail.com
TELEPHONE: 01723 514498
CALL IN: Wednesday and Friday 10am until 12pm

© Crimlisk - Fisher Archive. Written for the web  by  B Mulrine